Megaloot – Viran v1.14 Floor 196+ Build Guide
Guide to Viran v1.14 Floor 196+ Build
By Halunke
As far as I can tell, armor currently has the best scaling, primarily due to the armor-stealing mechanic. This makes it nearly impossible for opponents to outscale us, as they gain more and more armor over time, and we scale along with it. Viran is particularly well-suited for this, as he has the highest multipliers in the talent tree.

Floor 1-3

Dismantle Floor 1 -7

Floor 3 – 20~

Dismantle Floor 7 – 25

Once you have dismantled the weapon twice you can switch.
About this weapon

Floor 20 – 55~

Floor 55 – 95~

Dismantle Floor 25 – 120

Floor 95 – 130~

From about floor 130 onwards you could no longer just spam the space bar, from now on the game really starts.
Now is also the time when we switch to Turtle.

By now you should also have the following potions



This is the minimum number more is always better.
Did I forget to mention once you have put on this helmet you can also use the Madness Potion.

From now on you have to follow the following gameplay. You always have to pay attention to how much armor you currently have. If you have no armor, you cannot use the Madness Potion. You also have to make sure that your Ephemeral armour has a lock.
If this is the case, the lock could be removed with the potion.
From here on, the enemy should prioritize who has the most amor.
An example of a rotation
Attack the opponent with the highest armor to increase your base armor. Make sure that the debuff potion is active So that your armor is not locked in the next round.
In the second round you attack yourself with the Madness Potion.
And so this loop continues
- The more armor we have, the more damage we can do to ourselves.
- Which makes our cinder damage extremely high.
- I can’t say exactly how much damage is done but I’ll put it this way, you can’t even see all the zeros anymore.