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Midnight Murder Club Hits Early Access In March, Includes Guest Pass


Velan Studios’ Midnight Murder Club will be taking hide-and-seek into some lethal places on the game’s new early-access launch date, March 13. This first-person shooter places 1-6 players on equal ground by forcing them to explore Wormwood Manor in complete darkness except for their flashlights and the flicker of light when a gun is fired. But things are going to get even wilder with two new gameplay modes.

Within Midnight Murder Club’s new Wildcards mode, the battle royale in the mansion is upended by cards that can rewrite the laws of reality around them. When players pick cards from their collection, they can given special abilities like super speed or the power to self-detonate upon death. Some of those powers will extend to the other players in the match as well. At the end of each battle, players are given new cards to experiment with as they embrace the chaos around them.

The Guest Pass Edition doesn’t change the actual gameplay like the Wildcards mode, but it does let additional players join in even if they don’t own a copy of the game. As long as at least one person owns Midnight Murder Club, they can invite five other people to play the game for free. Presumably the Guest Pass Edition will also be available with the game’s other modes, including Free for All, Thief in the Night, Team Deathmatch, and Headhunters.

Players can purchase the full game for approximately $20, and the Guest Pass Edition will be available on day one for PlayStation 5 and PC.

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