Monster Never Cry – Normal Pact Summon Guide
Quick Guide to Pact Summon Event
After the first week your server has launched, or starting the next week of, you will be introduced to Pact Summon as a Limited-Time Event.
The Pact Summon is a way for you to choose Hellfire monsters (Contract monster) in a small pool with an increased drop rate of 1.1% for Chaotic monsters (Draconic/Abyssal) and 1.5% for Trio monsters. If you choose any of the Trio monsters (Alchemistic, Natural, Beastly) then you are guaranteed to get it by 100 pity (at 100 pulls) if you did not get it by then. The pity system applies to Chaotic monsters as well but with a 120 pity.
Here is a quick overview of what a Pact Summon looks like:

You will get a Free Summon once every 24 hours, and 20 Gem Attempts per day (daily). What the Gem Attempts mean is that you can only pull 20 times using gems per day, which amounts to 5400 gems per day.
The only way to bypass the limit is to click on Call for Help on the bottom right corner of the Pact Summon screen and buy Demon Lord Blood Pacts with money. The Demon Lord Blood Pact is shown below. These are available in “Assist Packs.” The shop and pull estimates will be covered more later.

Below is the list of possible loot to get from pulling in Pact Summon in Call Probability Details. Each item is listed with certain percentages, showing the probability of getting certain ones.

Another thing to keep in mind are Rules, which are shown here:

A couple important things to mention is that you will not reset pity when switching your Contract monster (Switch from one Hellfire monster to another). It will, however, reset the pity when you pull the Contract monster.
For example, if you pull Octasia at 42 pity (78 pulls left), then it will reset the pity to 0 (120 pull left). For rule number 5, it simply means that if you have reached 119 pity for Chaotic monsters and decided to switch to Trio monsters, then you are guaranteed to get the Contract monster in the next pull since Trio monsters require only 100 pity while Chaotic requires 120 pity.
If you have leftover pity built up when the pact summon ends, then it will carry over to the next week of the next pact summon. (If you have 42 pity for the current pact summon and it ends, it will carry over to the next as 42 pity for example.
Below is an overview of known normal Pact Summon order after week 1 of server launch date (will be updated for the next preceding week).

Week 1 of server launch does not have a Pact Summon. One thing to note is that week 2 of Pact Summon has its rerun on week 5. The rotation is most likely Octasia -> Dracula -> Lilith in repeating patterns. If you have Lilith for example on Week 7 then expect it to rotate to Octasia for the next week and then Dracula for the following week. This may be subject to change.
Gem Pulling Estimates and Math Analysis (Hard Pity Scenario)
As the title says, this section will cover what exactly are the estimates to pull a Chaotic/Trio monster based on the limited gem attempts and daily free pulls in the span of 1 week. In general, it’s best to do 10 pulls for 2700 gems vs 10 single pulls for 3000 gems as it saves you 300 gems overall.
If you are planning to pull Chaotic monsters that require 120 pity then it would take 5400 gems per day (20 pulls per day) multiplied by 6 days to reach 120 pity, or 32,400 gems. If you account for your daily free pulls of 7 total per week, then you would only require 113 gem pulls to reach 120 pity.
Therefore on day 6, you will need to only do a 10 pull (2700 gems on that day) followed by 3 single gem pulls (300 gems per). Then on the 7th day you will hit the 120 pity with your daily free pull. In other words, 5 days of doing 20 gem pulls equates to 27,000 gems, 6th day with a 10 pull and 3 single pulls equates to 3600 gems.
You will only require 30,600 gems total to reach 120 pity for Chaotic Monsters, as long as you do all of your daily pulls. This is for assuming you reach hard pity in a worst case scenario if you don’t get lucky.
For Trio monsters, then it would normally require 5 days to reach 100 pity, which is 27,000 gems. When you account for the daily free pulls, then you would do 20 gem pulls for 4 days followed by a 10 pull with 3 single pulls on the 5th day. In other words, 4 days of doing 20 gem pulls equates to 21,600 gems, 5th day with a 10 pull and 3 single pulls equates to 3600 gems.
You will only require 25,200 gems total to reach 100 pity for Trio Monsters, as long as you do all of your daily pulls. This ALSO assumes you reach hard pity in a worst case scenario if you don’t get lucky. Trio monsters basically cost 5,400 gems less (20 pulls less than Chaotic Monsters.)
Everything mentioned above also helps to give F2P (non-spenders) a good idea on how much they need to spend their gems when planning out on who to pull for their account and progression. If you hit early pity or obtained Demon Lord Blood Pacts from events somehow then your gem estimates may vary for hitting the current/next hard pity.
In conclusion, you will need 30,600 gems for Chaotic monsters to reach the hard pity of 120, do 20 gem pulls for 5 days, a single 10 pull on the 6th day with 3 single pulls. You will need 25,200 gems for Trio monsters to reach the hard pity of 100, do 20 gem pulls for 4 days, a single 10 pull on the 5th day with 3 single pulls. Don’t forget to do all daily pulls. Otherwise 32,400 gems for Chaotic and 27,000 gems for Trio monsters just to be safe.
For spenders in Call for Help, here is where you can bypass the gem limit pull below. You can purchase pulls in a form of currency known as Demon Lord Blood Pact which has no limits compared to 20 Gem Attempts.

For Week 5 you can also top up for a certain amount of days to get additional Demon Lord Blood Pacts.

Here is a general overview on how much per dollar value you get for Demon Lord Blood Pacts in Call for Help shop.

All of the limited packs are good (Radiant has a Custom Chaotic Evo Egg which can somewhat make up for the per $ value of pulls) to buy including the daily supply of once per day. It might be best to avoid the Colorful Summoning Pack and go for the Blinking Call Doll Pack as it has a Chaotic Doll.
The Illusion Summoning Pack can be avoided as well with the second lowest pull per $ value. Daily Supply has the most value out of all of the packs.
Your account needs and progression may vary. Pricing of each pack may also vary depending on region or where you live.