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Palworld Transmog – How To Change Your Armor Style


The latest Palworld update added several new features to the game, including the ability to change your armor appearance without affecting the armor’s stats. This new feature is tied to a craftable item in the game, and here’s what you need to know in order to swap your character’s look.

Palworld’s Transmog feature explained

This new cosmetic armor feature will allow you to change the appearance of your armor without affecting any of its stats. Unfortunately, this only allows you to change between armor types you currently have unlocked in your inventory. This means you can’t swap to a high-level look with fancy armor you haven’t gained access to yet. You also can’t change the colors beyond the game’s current options.

It’s still a nice feature to have, but you’ll first need to craft an item to use it. You’ll need to interact with an Antique Dresser, which is an item you may or may not have access to build at your base.

How to unlock and build the Antique Dresser

Palworld’s Antique Dresser

If you don’t already have this item crafted and placed in your base, the Antique Dresser is unlocked at level 22 for the cost of one Ancient Technology point.

This works much like other crafting items. At your base, open the action wheel for building and highlight the Furniture tab. This will allow you to select the option to build the Antique Dresser.

To build, you’ll need the following materials:

  • 100 Wood
  • 20 Fiber
  • 30 Stone
  • 5 Ancient civilization parts

How to change armor with Antique Dresser

Palworld's armor customization
Palworld’s armor customization

With the Antique Dresser built, all you have to do is interact with the dresser and select the option to edit your character’s outfit. This menu will let you change the appearance of your head, body, and glider.

You will also need the armor type you want to switch to equipped in your inventory. Meaning, if you want your current armor to look like Heat Resistance Metal Armor, then you need that same type in your inventory while you’re at the dresser.

Once you’ve customized your look at the dresser, this is how your character will look no matter what armor type you need to swap to later on. This also can be changed as many times as you want.

For more on Palworld’s new features, make sure to check out our guides for upgrading schematics and transferring Pals between different worlds.

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