Path of Exile 2 – Guide to Price Checking Items
Step-by-Step Guide to Check Prices
By Anti Cimex.
Just found a new item that you think might be worth selling, but you’re unsure what it’s worth? Use these tools to get a quick idea of what it may sell for.
First and foremost, you’ll want to go to the trade site here:
Next, you’ll want to plug in all of the mods on your item using this tab in the top left.

To further narrow down the search, you can plug in the item type in the row to the left of the stat filters. Here is an example of a loose search for a wand. Specific base types can sometimes be important, like Dualstring Bows being much higher values than others. If that’s the case, you can type the exact item (e.g. Expert Dualstring Bow) in the bar at the top.

Next, you’ll want to plug in the proper values of each modifier on the item you’ve picked up. For instance, a wand with +4 levels to lightning spell skills is going to be a much better find than +1.

Another note. While usually the official trading keeps up to date with currency conversion values; at the time of writing this, divine orbs are in their database as being worth around 5-7 exalted orbs, which is definitively not the case. If you item is being sold at 1 div, I would double check to see who else is selling the item in exalted orbs. That can be done by looking under the “Trade Filters” category at the bottom left of the search and showing only sellers asking for exalted orbs.

In the event that you search for your item on trade and are coming up with little-to-no results. You could do one of two things. You could first lower a couple of the values of each modifier to see if a slightly weaker version of your item is being sold.
For instance, found a wand with 90% spell damage and 90% lightning damage, and none are being sold? Check to see if people are selling any at maybe 80% of each, then price yours as a bit above theirs.

Second option would be by adding a “count”. Since items are so random, the chances of plugging in 6 modifiers with exact values and finding a near identical item becomes more and more rare. In this case, adding a “count” with of 4 will search for any item with at least 4 of the 5 modifiers I’ve plugged in.

Last tip is adding a second stat group. This is a more refined search. Say you got that wand above, and you know that the +4 lightning is the real seller, but none of the results in the example above show that +4 modifier. In this case, you can add a second stat group called “and”. In the example below, the trade site will search for any 3 of the 4 modifiers in the first pool, AND it will only show items being sold that also have +4 lightning.

Secret pro tip, adding a tilde ~ at the beginning of a search will make it a “fuzzy” search. Meaning rather than having to type out the exact modifier name letter-for-letter, you can shorten the search by just finding mods with those letters.

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