Predecessor – Penta Jungler Serath Build Guide
Guide to Penta Jungler Serath Build
By slime
I am a 3x Grandmaster Jungle and ever since the Nightfall change and Spectra addition I’ve never not built them (Secret Serath Buffs).
They’re too good to not put on.
You won’t find this anywhere else, because I never went the meta or any recommended build for 9 months and over 900 Games, this is pure instinct it’s built from and my own gameplay. Never did I listen to another homie except this one dude in here talking about Crit, that stuff is very effective but too squishy.
Here you get the best from all the Worlds, Damage, Heals and Shield + ATKSPD.
So as I always tell the quitters and shitters – GGS Next!
Btw Nightfall is also on Assist.
- Average game is in the second picture.
- Third slide is the Average Paragon gamer vs the Average slime gamer, that very much speaks for the validity and effectiveness in this build.