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Predecessor – Shinbi Tips


Here you can find some useful tips that may help you become better as Shinbi.

Tips to Fight as Shinbi

By slowjiver

Poke and wolf circle

Shinbi’s poke is her main strength in lane.

So try and hit the enemy with wolves to poke them down while trying to clear wave. Once they are low you can all in.

However, this is best done after a couple items when you have a power spike.

The wolf circle is her main ability that allows her to trade, save it for trades and refrain from using it to clear wave if the enemy laner is present.


  • Be smart with mana, its very easy to overspend through spamming wolves.
  • Use mana in trades and more sparingly if you are just clearing wave.
  • Basic attacks are king but if you cant get close using a couple wolves to cs wont hurt.

If you are losing lane, you can rotate preferably to mid or fang.

You wanna do this if you know you can’t evenly trade into them even with a full minion wave.

Duo is a bit far especially if enemy offlane t1 is still up. Still try and defend your lane and farm when you can, especially when enemy off rotates. Maybe even take a bit of jungle if your jungler is fed.

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