Roblox Fisch Fragments locations
On the enigmatic Ancient Isle in the Roblox game, Fisch, the most mysterious and exciting artifacts are the magical Fragments you find hidden around the seas, mountains and caves scattered across the island.
These Fragments can be used to open a secret new area called the Ancient Archives, which holds not just unique fish, but a new crafting mechanic for crafting fishing rods as well.
Here are the locations of all 4 Fragments in Fisch, as well as what to do with them once you’ve found them!
Fisch Fragment Locations
Deep Sea Fragment
On the western side of the island, there’s a waterfall that drains into the sea.

Dive underwater here to collect the Deep Sea Fragment.
Solar Fragment
On top of the highest hill in the middle of the Ancient Isle, you find the Solar Fragment waiting on the ground.

This can only be picked up during an eclipse. An eclipse is a new weather event that occurs rarely, but is announced the same as any other event. You can trigger an eclipse at any time using an eclipse totem, which can be purchased nearby (right next to the following Fragment).
Earth Fragment
Get your GPS out and aim for 5970, 284, 905. Then climb the mountain as if you were going to the Solar Fragment, but then go southeast until you see a griant pink flower on the other side.

Drop down and you should see a fence on a cliff edge and another giant flower on the side of the mountain.

Here there’s a cave. Inside the cave you find the Earth Fragment alongside the Phoenix Rod and Eclipse Totem.
Ancient Fragment

The Ancient Fragment is both the easiest and most difficult Fragment to collect. It’s found by fishing in the oceans around the Ancient Isle, so it’s down to luck when you manage to reel it in.
What to do with the Fragments in Fisch
With all four fragments and four people to complete the puzzle, you can find a secret cave hidden half way up the waterfall you found the Deep Sea Fragment underneath.

From the nearby ledge, hop inside from the very edge of the platform, then interact with the dangling rope. This leads to a new chamber with a puzzle inside.

Here, match the 4 fragments up to their respective poles, then interact with the totems. Rotate each one so it faces the person on the pressure plate and the door will open!
Take a look at everything you can catch inside using our full bestiary and fish locations page!