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Shooters could be the new way to fix your mental health


Seattle-based company Deepwell DTX has a simple vision: one day, people who struggle with their mental health will be able to play video games in order to relieve their stress. For years, gamers have been told playing games makes their mental state worse. But, Deepwell DTX wants to prove the opposite.

Deepwell’s co-founder Ryan Douglas even thinks that if gaming gets access to the funding that healthcare does, it could “bring us back to the golden age of gaming” according to a recent interview with PCGamer.

Deepwell’s technology proves to be quite impressive, as shown in the VR shooter Zengence. The game doesn’t have you filling your fellow man with lead, but instead has you shooting spirits with a laser. It is designed to send enemies at you while you exhale, getting you into a dopamine-rich state much quicker than regular games. During this state, Douglas says that players are more willing to adopt new thought processes about themselves. Think about when you’ve been crushing a game, and you’ve told yourself how goated you are. Then, something likely ruins that perception of yourself, but Deepwell wants to keep it consistent.

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