Snoop Dogg is one of the top-2% of Xbox gamers in the world
Snoop Dogg’s love of video games has been a well-known fact for decades, and he’s known as a big Xbox profile. As we report the other day, Microsoft has now released its year in review service for Xbox where you can see which games and genres you like the most, who you prefer to play with, how long you’ve been playing and so on.
Now Snoop Dogg has also done this and it turns out he’s not exactly playing less over the years – quite the opposite. He clocks in at 1363 hours, which is just under four hours a day.
So what is Snoop playing then? Japanese role-playing games? Racing? Call of Duty? No, Snoop apparently loves sports games and football in particular. Madden NFL 24 and Madden NFL 25 are his most played titles, and he’s in the top one percent of gamers in the world.
How do you compare to Snoop Dogg? You can check here and feel free to share picture evidence in the comments section.