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The script for the Constantine sequel is finished


Nearly 20 years on from the release of the cult-classic Constantine, we’re making serious progress with the sequel. Director Francis Lawrence as well as actors Rachel Weisz and Tilda Swinton have spoken about returning to the world of Constantine, alongside the man himself Keanu Reeves.

Of course, before anyone gets into costume and starts shooting, a script needs to be written, and it seems that major step has been taken with Constantine 2. Speaking to, producer Lorenzo di Bonaventura said he hadn’t yet opened up the script, but it’s sitting in his inbox.

“You know it’s in my inbox right now. Funny enough, I’m too scared to read it, though,” he said. “I want it to be good so bad.”

It’s possible that the movie would join the DCU line-up of 2025 and beyond, but we’ll have to see if the script is any good first before people are brought in for production.

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