Top Heroes – How to Read Battle Report
Guide to Battle Report
By LogitechKB.
A lot of us have been having issues in getting the finer details out of the battle report and we usually end up dismissing it and deleting it. But that can’t always be the case. Sometimes you have lost to a player who is beneath you in power (you know who I am talking about, warlord) and maybe even heroes. THAT’s where reading the battle report would come in handy and would let you know why you lost, where you lost and then you can try to work upon those areas.
Here for example we are taking a battle report of a battle against Level 1 Legion Boss (LB1). There are a lot of screenshots in here, marked at various places, with details and info below it.
Report Main Page
Image 1: Report Main Page

This is what you would generally see (and dismiss). There are a lot of details lying in this much itself. Let’s dig in.
- This shows that the battle was with Level 1 Legion Boss (LB1).
- The one who started the battle/rally was located at these coordinates on world map.
- Coordinates of the opponent be it player or NPC. In this case LB1 was located at these coordinates.
- This is the date and time at which the battle/rally took place. This will be shown in your set timezone. So for the same battle report, players from different geographical regions will have different time stamps.
- Victory or Loss would be shown here. It is victory in this case and the last winning blow was given by the player called Goddess.
- This shows how much damage the player suffered vs the enemy. Goddess suffered 7.39K damage, while LB1 suffered 1.14K. The red and blue bars are visual representations of HP or how much power remains after the defeat/win.
- These are the rewards from this rally. Note – This screenshot is not of the player who started the rally, so there are no Relics (which are what LB’s drop) mentioned here. If the screenshot was from the player who started the rally, there would be relics mentioned in it.
- This shows how many times you will still get rewards by participating in rallies led by others. When the counter goes to 0, you will not be receiving any additional rewards.
- This shows the players who took part in the rally, in sequential order. We have a max of 1 rally owner plus 4 others, so a total of 5 players. In this case, it is 3 players.
- Rally owners will always be the first attacker. Minnn in this case, went first and reduced HP (hit points) of LB1 from 100% to 83%. A 17 percentage points (pp) damage. Minnn perished after doing that much. Minnn needs to work on builds and growth.
- Then comes in the second player, who started dealing damage at 83% and brought it down to 26%, a 57pp damage, and then perished. This one also needs to work on builds and power.
- Player 3 steps in (All Hail the mighty GODDESS), starting at 26% and bringing LB1 down to 0 and in the process player suffers 100-53, that is 47pp damage on themselves.
- Clicking on this triangle, collapses or opens details about that player setup. For now we will see that of the player Goddess.
Image 2 & 3: Hero

- There are 4 sections with immense data under each player – Hero, Queue, Combat & Soldier.
- Player Goddess has a total Hero power of 1.74M, while LB1 has power of 1.00 M.
- Hero. In this case the player Goddess used 6 Horde Heroes each of varying levels (a very bold move or weird strategy or a throwaway team). LB1 is of Legion type and has no hero/monsters (coz he himself is one). We can also see the total number of soldiers assigned to each hero and their type. The Goddess has horde soldiers of varying numbers with each hero:
- Wilderness Hunter, Level 140, 2 Red Stars(R-2.0), 592 Soldiers, Front Row
- Blacksmith, Level 145, 5 White Stars(W-5.0), 602 Soldiers, Front Row
- Brawler, Level 135, 3 Red Stars and 1 Shard (R-3.1), 582 Soldiers, Mid Row
- Rogue, Level 135, 2 Red Stars(R-2.0), 582 Soldiers, Mid Row
- Outlaw, Level 100, 2 Red Stars and 4 shards (R-2.4), 512 Soldiers, Back Row
- Warlock, Level 140, 1 Red Shard (R-0.1), 592 Soldiers, Back Row
- LB1, Level 100, Legion Type, No Star Rating, 297 soldiers.
Keen Eyed players will also be able to discern the level range of soldiers, based on headgear used in Soldier icon. More on that later in another section.
- Here will be seen the gear and its level put on the Heroes. There is nothing to say here coz Goddess went crazy and has put nothing on this throwaway team. Only Wilderness Hunter and Warlock have Purple Sword and Purple Helmet, at 0 enhancement level. LB1 has no stars nor any weapons.
Image 4: Queue

- Overview shows distribution of power between the opponents – Facility, Soldiers and Rune.
- Tech shows the level of research done. Goddess has Hero research at 26%, Queue Boost at 18%, Soldier at 16%, while other 3 are at 0. It means either research is not done or those areas have not opened up yet. LB1 has done nothing and has everything at 0%. Had it been PvP, there would be more data visible/available instead of 0% of LB1.
- The facility shows the amount of progress on Hero facilities. Goddess has Castle at level 27, Legion Tower at 26, Horde Tower at 24 and Nature Tower at 25. The other 2 are not available yet to the Goddess, or she has neglected them. LB1 being npc, has no progress in this area.
Note: 19 and 20, together give a pretty good idea of how the player is developing. Is the player going Depth-first of Breadth-first or mix of that, has the player invested only in 1 faction or is all, is the player developing passive strength of the castle and soldiers or just focusing on power leveling the heroes.
A lot of inferences can be derived from Queue Page, and majorly from these 3 sections – 18, 19 and 20. It is not a definite/conclusive derivation of power, but a crude approximation. Viz. One might think Goddess is a careless player, heroes with varying power levels, lack of equipment, varying soldier levels, but at the same time this could be their 3rd or 4th Queue, so one can be careless a bit about it, one can be even trying out setups and calculating performances. So don’t just judge based on this, take it as a rough indicator.
Image 5: Queue

- Levels of the soldiers involved in the Rally. Goddess has Horde of Level 6, meaning the Horde barracks and tower is at least level 25. LB1 has soldiers of Level 2.
- Troop skin, if used, then which, and what level. Troop skins are available after Castle level 25, if they are used then that player has crossed castle level 25 at the very least.
- Runes and their levels. These also give insight into how much passive power the player possesses. Rune power is applicable to all the teams, unlike armor which is only present with the assigned hero.
- Relics used and their star levels. This can also infer how much time has the player spent doing LB runs, since relic shards drop from LB runs OR the player could have bought them.
- Decor gives a passive boost to many attributes across the board, albeit small values, but still significant. Decor mostly drops from Adventures Bosses or sometimes from some events. Since the enemy is LB1, there is no decor. Had it been a player, there would be some amount of decor present and thus its impact too on the overall power of the player.
Image 6 & 7: Queue

- Attributes. One of the things that should be actually read, in detail, point by point, is the various attributes of both the teams (Goddess and LB1 in this case). The one who has higher value for that attribute will be coloured Green. Most of these attributes are coming from passive boosts like Decor, Research progress, Relics, Faction Tower levels, Faction Tower sacrifice, and so on.
Note: Goddess is crazy, for sure.
Image 8: Combat

- This is the data that comes up at the end of every battle. How much damage, shielding and healing did your team do and same for the opponents. This is broken down by each hero. This lets you identify which hero is hitting hard and which is lacking and thus make tactical decisions to either swap the hero or position or gear as you feel necessary.
Image 9: Soldier

- This shows what happened to the soldiers of both sides, during the battle. How many got killed, how many are hospitalized, how many are injured and how many are able bodied and remaining. As if you are going to go to war again with this set of soldiers, but okay, we shall humour the data.
All this was the data of 1 player, Goddess. Same data and analysis for other players can be obtained by clicking on the triangle, as shown in image 1, point 13.
- If all of this data seems too much and not easy for you to get it and you are more of a visual person, then there is Replay for you. Click on that and you will see the whole rally being performed, wherein you can see which hero does what, when does their ULT kick in, how they fare, who does not survive, and so on.