Ultimate General: American Revolution – How to Take Boston (Normal Difficulty)
New Strategy to Take Boston
By Spartan117.
New strategy to take Boston, normal difficulty. May work in principle on higher difficulties with appropriate adjustments.
Bait the AI enough times to where you can take Salem. about 1400-1600 men in Portsmouth, same amount in the Middlebrough. And some 2,000 in Leichester. When you take Salem AI will rush Salem with everything leaving 720 men in Boston. take about 800-1000 from Middlebrough and wipe that stack in Boston. Then split the AI 3 ways. 1 AI Split going to retake Boston. Bait them to Middlebrough, you don’t have to engage them, just keep them away from the other 2 engagement areas.
Taking Boston itself at this time is not important, the key here is to get the AI to split itself 3 ways. Have 1 regiment from Leichester bait into the deep country to Fort Stephens (strategy assumes you own this fort) and use your forces from Leichester to wipe them. AI in Salem, about 720 will be wiped by Portsmouth force.
General Washington will be very busy. I had him near Boston because the AI left it’s lone Garrison there and then I manually wiped that stack. I then moved him between Portsmouth and Ft. Stephens as this allows me vison Merrimack River between Boston and Salem and the Forest of Pantukket Falls where my bait from Leichester lured them away as it drains British regimental condition allowing them to be tired and my fresh Leichester Regiments to engage them under Washingtons Command Later.
For now though the portsmouth force moves out to Salem to Crush the British there. Be sure not to have such an overwhelming force that the AI routes, we want to shatter AI units, not have them run away. Then the entire Portsmouth force can site in Boston. Moving Washington to keep an eye on the Leichester Bait, the screen shows where I engaged the British once far enough away.
The last screen shows the result of the split, i am now more then equal to the British to take Boston and this is just with Militia and the starting Fusiliers.

There is one thing that is important to being able to achieve this, melee, melee and melee. Oh and one important thing to note. In manual battle militia can stand up to dragoons in melee. HOWEVER, they must be in 2 or 3 to 1 fight against the dragoons. that is 2-3 militia companies engaging in melee. You won’t shatter them the first time but the next time you tangle in melee in again a 2-3 fight they should shatter or if they don’t when they route shoot them and then they should shatter.
That will take care of the British cavalry leaving you on VASTLY more equal footing without having to worry about cavalry. In my case I ended up engaging them when I took Boston so good luck in getting the dragoons in the same favourable situation that I had.