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Until Dawn stars tease potential sequel


Until Dawn is a great narrative horror experience. Taking control over a group of young adults as they return to a creepy cabin for a get together that goes horribly wrong, its branching narrative and great cast made it a huge win for developer Supermassive Games.

So far, it has seen a remake released recently, and there’s a movie coming out soon, too. This has of course left fans hungry for more, especially when new endings were added in the remake. In a clip spread online, Hayden Panettiere, who plays Sam in the game, talks about “going further with” Until Dawn.

She could be referring to the remake, or the movie, or some think she’s teasing a sequel. Dr. Hill actor Peter Stormare posted an image on his IG story about a potential sequel as well, so perhaps we ought to watch out for more Wendigo action coming soon.

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