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Usual June feels like Life is Strange, but we get to beat up some monsters


If you’re looking for a third-person action adventure that also tells a fun, sweet and a little bit terrifying story, Usual June must be on your radar. Back at Gamescom we had the pleasure to talk to Rebekah Saltsman, Finji CEO, about this indie game coming in 2025 to PC and Mac.

Usual June starts June, a young woman trying to enjoy her summer break… with the ability to see ghosts. Suddenly, the ghosts starty acting strange, so she will unravel a conspiracy mystery with her friends, even though they don’t know about her special ability.

“She can see ghosts. And she has found a mystery in the town that she goes to college in. She has her friends and they’re kind of like scooby-dooing around”, Saltsman told us.

June investigates urban legends with her friends and will end up in “this other place, this other world, where she is discovering that she has these other abilities because of her ability to see ghosts.”

Action, adventure and puzzles with some ghostly abilities

It is in those areas, in a paranormal world, where she will gain other abilities, including combat and traversal movements that will clearly differentiate the two parts of the game: the more quiet, exploration bits in the real world and the action in the ghost world, where we get “to beat up some monsters” and solve some puzzles.

The tone of the game will be light and fun, however. “We are not in sort of blood and gore territory here. The story does have some teeth. But the visuals, the gameplay, all of that is definitely a T rating.”

You can watch our full interview with Finji’s Rebekah Saltsman below, while waiting for Usual June’s release next year.

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