Wuthering Waves Roccia Build
Wuthering Waves has just over 30 Resonators (characters) to create powerful teams out of, and while it’s impossible to go about unlocking and building them all, there are some Resonators to definitely keep your eye on. Havoc-using Roccia is one such Resonator; a colourful five-star unit introduced during Version 2.0 of WuWa via a limited banner.
If you’re a fan of using Havoc Rover or Camellya, Roccia will be a pleasant addition to your roster, and the improvisational comedian is good fun to play as too. Without further ado, here’s our Wuthering Waves Roccia build.
Wuthering Waves Roccia Build
Best Roccia Team Compositions in Wuthering Waves
Roccia is a five-star Resonator in Wuthering Waves, using the element of Havoc and the Gauntlets weapon to take on foes in battle. She also takes on the role of sub-DPS when slotted into a team, with her kit focused on buffing the attacks of incoming Resonators — Havoc Resonators like Camellya and Havoc Rover specially — while dishing out damage.
Unless you’re a little bit behind in WuWa’s story content, it’s likely that you have the Havoc Rover already built and ready to go, so trying to pull for Roccia is a bit of a no-brainer. Moreso if your most prized DPS is Camellya!
The improvisational comedian is capable of basic crowd control and dishing out ample amounts of Havoc damage, all while buffing the flat ATK of her team using her Ultimate, and the Havoc DMG and Basic Attack DMG of incoming Resonator after using her Outro Skill.
With the above in mind, the best DPS Resonators to accompany Roccia are the Havoc Rover or Camellya. Though, if you focus a little less on Havoc DMG (by using the Moonlit Clouds Sonata Effect), you can pair Roccia with a strong, Basic Attack-using DPS like Jinhsi quite nicely.
A more free-to-play friendly option for your DPS is four-star Danjin, who does really well with Roccia’s help. If you enjoy parrying foes and dishing out AoE damage, this comp is the one for you!
Before you get going, however, you’ll also require a healer. Five-star Verina and five-star The Shorekeeper are the best available healers in WuWa right now; Verina is able to heal her team and provide buffs to ATK%, while The Shorekeeper can heal her team and provide buffs to ATK%, Crit Rate, and Crit DMG.
Alternative, free-to-play options include Baizhi and Youhu, who are capable of healing allies in a pinch if you kit them out with a set of Echoes to help them with that.
Best Roccia Weapons in Wuthering Waves
There are quite a few strong options when it comes to choosing a weapon for Roccia in Wuthering Waves, but as always, the best set of Gauntlets for her are her limited, signature weapon: Tragicomedy. This weapon increases both Roccia’s ATK and Heavy Attack DMG — something she uses a lot of.
You can’t do much wrong by using five-star Verity’s Handle as an alternative if you have it though, which buffs the damage her Ultimate does. This is an attack she’ll want to use whenever it is available given that it’s one part of her kit that buffs her allies.
- Tragicomedy (5-star): Roccia’s signature weapon. Increases ATK by 12%. Every time Basic Attack or Intro Skill is used, Heavy Attack DMG Bonus increases by 48% for 3s.
- Verity’s Handle (5-star): Provides 12% Attribute DMG Bonus. When using Resonance Liberation (Ultimate), Roccia gains 48% Resonance Liberation DMG Bonus for eight seconds. This effect extends for five seconds every time Roccia uses her Resonance Skill, up to three times. Considering Roccia uses her Ultimate to buff the ATK of her allies, this is a solid option if you do not have her signature weapon.
- Celestial Spiral (4-star): Casting Resonance Skill provides 10 Resonance Energy and increases ATK by 20% for 16 seconds. Can be triggered every 20 seconds.
- Hollow Mirage (4-star): When Resonance Liberation (Ultimate) is used, Roccia gains three stacks of Iron Armor. Each stack increases ATK and DEF by 5%, up to three times. When Roccia takes damage, remove a stack.
- Stonard (4-star): When Resonance Skill is used, increase Roccia’s Resonance Liberation (Ultimate) DMG Bonus by 54% for 15 seconds.
More free-to-play friendly, four-star options include Celestial Spiral, Hollow Mirage, and Stonard. All of these will provide Roccia with some sort of buff whenever she uses her Resonance Skill or Resonance Liberation respectively.
These buffs — and the stats of these weapons — aren’t as impressive as the five-star options available to Roccia, but they’ll certainly get you through in-game content without much trouble.
Best Roccia Sonata Effect in Wuthering Waves
The best Sonata Effect to employ when it comes to choosing Echoes for Roccia is Moonlit Clouds. The Moonlit Clouds Sonata Effects are as follows:
- 2pcs Set: Energy regeneration is buffed by +10%.
- 5pcs Set: Attack of the next Resonator is buffed by +22.5% for 15 seconds, after using the Outro Skill.
This set provides additional Energy Regen to Roccia, and buffs the attack of the following Resonator whenever she uses her Outro Skill. If you’re planning on using Roccia alongside Jinhsi, Moonlit Clouds is the better set to use.
You can also consider the Midnight Veil Sonata Effect, which provides the following:
- 2pcs Set: Havoc DMG is buffed by +10%.
- 5pcs Set: Deal an additional 480% Havoc DMG upon using Outro Skill, and grant the incoming Resonator a 15% Havoc DMG buff for 15 seconds.
Midnight Veil is great for Roccia if you plan on using her alongside a Havoc-using DPS, such as the Havoc Rover or Camellya, as it not only improves Roccia’s Havoc DMG, but the Havoc DMG of incoming Resonators after using her Outro Skill too.

Best Roccia Echoes in Wuthering Waves
If opting for the Moonlit Clouds set of Sonata Effects in Wuthering Waves, you want to kit Roccia out with the Impermanence Heron Echo in their primary slot. You’ll find them under ‘Boss Challenge’ in your Guide Book.
Upon use, Roccia will turn into the Impermanence Heron and dive into the ground, dealing 310.46% Havoc DMG to all enemies hit. If you instead long-press the attack (Q on PC), Roccia transforms into the Heron and begins flying around rather than diving, spouting fire that deals 55.73% Havoc DMG per attack.
After the initial attack, Roccia will then gain 10 Resonance Energy, and if she uses her Outro Skill within the next 15 seconds, the incoming Resonator will have their damage buffed by 12% for 15 seconds.
Alternatively, if you are instead kitting Roccia out with Midnight Veil, the primary Echo you want to equip her with is Nightmare: Impermanence Heron, who is found in the Thessaleo Fells area.
Upon use, Roccia turns into Nightmare: Impermanence Heron and delivers up to ten consecutive strikes to nearby enemies, all of which deal 40.50% Havoc DMG. With this Echo equipped, Roccia also gains 12% Havoc DMG Bonus and 12% Heavy ATK DMG Bonus, which is ideal for her kit.
Best Roccia Echo Stats in Wuthering Waves
Like most other sub-DPS and DPS Resonators in Wuthering Waves, the main stats to look out for when choosing what Echoes to equip Roccia with are Crit DMG, Crit Rate, Havoc DMG, and ATK%. You want to look for more of these stats in your substats when tuning Echoes, but some additional Energy Regeneration wouldn’t go amiss either.
Your most important stat overall is Roccia’s Crit Rate, as her Resonance Liberation (Ultimate) scales with this: ‘For every 0.1% of Crit Rate that Roccia has over 50%, the skill increases the ATK of all Resonators by 1 point for 30s, up to 200 points.’
- 4: Crit DMG or Crit Rate
- 3: Havoc DMG
- 3: Havoc DMG
- 1: ATK %
- 1: ATK %
As a result, substats to look out for are further Crit Rate and Crit DMG, as well as additional ATK%, Havoc DMG, and Energy Regeneration if needed.
Roccia Ascension Materials in Wuthering Waves
The Ascension Materials needed to reach each Rank for Roccia are as follows.
- Rank 1 (Level 20 to 40): 5000x Shell Credits, 4x LF Tidal Residuum
- Rank 2 (Level 40 to 50): 10000x Shell Credits, 4x MF Tidal Residuum, 4x Firecracker Jewelweed, 3x Cleansing Conch
- Rank 3 (Level 50 to 60): 15000x Shell Credits, 8x MF Tidal Residuum, 8x Firecracker Jewelweed, 6x Cleansing Conch
- Rank 4 (Level 60 to 70): 20000x Shell Credits, 4x HF Tidal Residuum, 12x Firecracker Jewelweed, 9x Cleansing Conch
- Rank 4 (Level 70 to 80): 40000x Shell Credits, 8x HF Tidal Residuum, 16x Firecracker Jewelweed, 12x Cleansing Conch
- Rank 4 (Level 80 to 90): 80000x Shell Credits, 4x FF Tidal Residuum, 20x Firecracker Jewelweed, 16x Cleansing Conch
For more on Wuthering Waves, take a look at our Encore build, Sanhua build, and Jianxin build. Don’t neglect our WuWa codes page either, where you can bag some free rewards.