Wuthering Waves Yinlin Build
Wuthering Waves currently has approximately 30 Resonators (characters) to go about unlocking and building, and of course, given that this is gacha game territory, it’s unrealistic to expect that you can unlock and build them all. So, you’ll need to pick your favourite Resonators carefully, as you’ll be using them for a long time to come!
Yinlin is a sub-DPS Resonator who dishes out Electro damage using a Rectifier, and while more recent sub-DPS Resonators are quick to outshine her kit in our WuWa tier list, she’s still very good on the field (or off it, supporting her team). Without further ado, here’s our Wuthering Waves Yinlin build guide.
Wuthering Waves Yinlin Build
Best Yinlin Team Compositions in Wuthering Waves
Yinlin is a five-star Resonator that uses the Electro element and Rectifier weapon while taking on the role of a sub-DPS in Wuthering Waves, meaning her job is to primarily buff and support our main DPS. Though, she’s very capable of dishing out damage when need be, especially if you’re able to kit her out with optimal weapons and Echoes.
As a sub-DPS, you’ll want to team Yinlin up with a DPS she can buff the damage output of, as well as a support character who can keep the team healed. At the time of writing, healer characters are hard to come by in WuWa, but the two best units you can get your hands on are Verina and The Shorekeeper. Fortunately, Verina is available in WuWa’s permanent banner.
Your best free-to-play friendly options for a healer is Baizhi or Youhu, though you can kit other Resonators — such as Jianxin — with healing Echoes and provide your team with healing that way.
As for your main DPS, you’ve a few more options. Two five-star units, Calcharo and Xiangli Yao, pair incredibly well with Yinlin given that they both also deal Electro DMG. Yinlin’s kit will buff both units Electro DMG and Resonance Liberation (Ultimate) DMG upon using her Outro Skill.
Xiangli Yao is a more favorable pick over Calcharo, who’s been power-crept significantly since launch, but that doesn’t make Calcharo a bad DPS by any means.
Forgoing the buff to Electro DMG that Yinlin can provide to an ally, you can also pair her with Jinhsi, who is one of the best five-star DPS Resonators in WuWa at the time of writing. Yinlin is able to pull off coordinated attacks with Jinhsi while buffing her Resonance Liberation (Ultimate) with her Outro Skill, and while Jinhsi doesn’t rely on her Ultimate, it’s still better than no buffs at all.
Best Yinlin Weapons in Wuthering Waves
Yinlin is one of multiple Rectifier-using Resonators in Wuthering Waves, and fortunately, there’s a lot of options to choose from when kitting her out with a weapon.
- Stringmaster (5-star): Yinlin’s signature weapon, and the best weapon to get for her (and one of the best Rectifiers in general). Increases DMG Bonus by 12%. Increases ATK by 12% when dealing Resonance Skill DMG for 5s, stacking twice. When Yinlin is not on the field, increases her ATK by an additional 12%.
- Rime-Draped Sprouts (5-star): Ideal if running Jinhsi with Yinlin. Increases ATK by 12%. Upon using Resonance Skill, Yinlin receives 12% Basic Attack DMG Bonus for six seconds, stacking three times. When casting Outro Skill with three stacks, consume them to receive 52% DMG Bonus to off-field Basic Attacks performed by Yinlin.
- Cosmic Ripples (5-star): Increases Energy Regen by 12.8%. When dealing Basic Attack DMG, receive Basic Attack DMG Bonus of 3.2%, stacking up to five times for eight seconds. Can be triggered once every 0.5s.
- Augment (4-star): A solid 4-star option for units who use their Ultimate regularly. When Resonance Liberation (Ultimate) is used, increase Yinlin’s ATK by 48% for 15 seconds.
- Fusion Accretion (4-star): Casting Resonance Skill provides 10 Resonance Energy and increases ATK by 20% for 6 seconds. Can be triggered once every 20 seconds.
- Jinzhou Keeper (4-star): When Intro Skill is used, increase Yinlin’s ATK by 16% and HP by 20%, lasting for 15 seconds.
The best options for Yinlin are Stringmaster or Rime-Draped Sprouts respectively, which are both limited five-star weapons. There are plenty of alternative, four-star weapons to try though, with the likes of Augment, Fusion Accretion, and Jinzhou Keeper all being good options depending on what you have available and how you like to play Yinlin.
Best Yinlin Sonata Effect in Wuthering Waves
The best Sonata Effect to employ when it comes to choosing Echoes for Yinlin is Moonlit Clouds. The Moonlit Clouds Sonata Effects are as follows:
- 2pcs Set: Energy regeneration is buffed by +10%.
- 5pcs Set: Attack of the next Resonator is buffed by +22.5% for 15 seconds, after using the Outro skill.
Equipping Moonlit Clouds provides additional Energy Regen to Yinlin, and buffs the attack of the incoming Resonator whenever Yinlin uses her Outro Skill.
An alternative set of Sonata Effects to consider for Yinlin is the Void Thunder set, which provides the following:
- 2pcs Set: Electro DMG increased by 10%.
- 5pcs Set: Electro DMG increased by 15% for 15 seconds (stacking twice) upon using Heavy Attack or Resonance Skill.
The Void Thunder set provides a nice boost to Yinlin’s Electro DMG output, increasing by 25% at the best of times if she uses her Heavy Attack or Resonance Skill. This isn’t the best set to kit her out with seeing as we’re playing her as a sub-DPS and don’t want her on the field all that much, but it’s a good placeholder while you farm Moonlit Clouds Echoes.

Best Yinlin Echoes in Wuthering Waves
If you have decided to use the Moonlit Clouds set of Sonata Effects for Yinlin in Wuthering Waves, you want to kit Yinlin out with the Impermanence Heron Echo in their primary slot. You’ll find them under ‘Boss Challenge’ in your Guide Book.
Upon use, Yinlin will transform into the Impermanence Heron and plunge into the ground, dealing 310.46% Havoc DMG. If you instead long-press the attack, Yinlin transforms into the Heron and begins flying around, spouting fire that deals 55.73% Havoc DMG per attack.
After the initial attack, Yinlin will gain 10 Resonance Energy, and if she uses her Outro Skill within the next 15 seconds, the incoming Resonator will have their damage buffed by 12% for 15 seconds.
Alternatively, if you are instead kitting Roccia out with the Void Thunder set, the primary Echo you want to equip her with is Nightmare: Tempest Mephis, who is found in the Shores of Last Breath area.
Upon use, Yinlin transforms into Nightmare: Tempest Mephis and slashes at nearby enemies, dealing 405% Electro DMG. With the Echo equipped, Yinlin also gains a 12% buff to Electro DMG and 12% Resonance Skill DMG Bonus.
As you can see, the Impermanence Heron is much better for a sub-DPS, as it allows Yinlin to buff the incoming Resonator further. Nightmare: Tempest Mephis suits Yinlin if you intend on playing her more offensively or having her on-field often.
Best Yinlin Echo Stats in Wuthering Waves
Yinlin, while functioning as a sub-DPS, is capable of dishing out plenty of damage, hence why we’re looking for the below stats of Crit Rate, Crit DMG, Electro DMG, and ATK %.
There isn’t much point aiming for anything other than the below stats, aside from perhaps Energy Regen, as Yinlin doesn’t require DEF or HP with her low time on the field and a healer available to her.
- 4: Crit Rate or Crit DMG
- 3: Electro DMG
- 3: Electro DMG
- 1: ATK %
- 1: ATK%
Substats to look out for are more Crit Rate and Crit DMG, Energy Regeneration, and ATK %. Electro DMG is also a plus.
Yinlin Ascension Materials in Wuthering Waves
The Ascension Materials needed to reach each Rank for Yinlin are as follows:
- Rank 1 (Level 20 to 40): 5000x Shell Credits, 4x LF Whisperin Cores
- Rank 2 (Level 40 to 50): 10000x Shell Credits, 4x MF Whisperin Cores, 4x Coriolus, 3x Group Abomination Tacet Cores
- Rank 3 (Level 50 to 60): 15000x Shell Credits, 8x MF Whisperin Cores, 8x Coriolus, 6x Group Abomination Tacet Cores
- Rank 4 (Level 60 to 70): 20000x Shell Credits, 4x HF Whisperin Cores, 12x Coriolus, 9x Group Abomination Tacet Cores
- Rank 4 (Level 70 to 80): 40000x Shell Credits, 8x HF Whisperin Cores, 16x Coriolus, 12x Group Abomination Tacet Cores
- Rank 4 (Level 80 to 90): 80000x Shell Credits, 4x FF Whisperin Cores, 20x Coriolus, 16x Group Abomination Tacet Cores
For more on Wuthering Waves, take a look at our Encore build, Sanhua build, and Jiyan build. Don’t neglect our WuWa codes page either, where you can bag some free rewards.