Manor Lords – Troubleshooting Guide (Fixes & Workarounds)
Known Issues and How to Fix Them
Invisible mouse fix
Navigate to Epic Games > Launcher > Portal > Extras and cut the overlay folder (Epic Game Launcher must be started), then launch the game. Put the overlay folder back after playing.
0000000000000000x18c UE4 CRASH
Solution for this one was for the most of the people the following steps:
- AppData\Local\ManorLords\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
- Open Settings.ini
- Change “ML.aaMode=fsr” into “ML.aaMode=” (delete fsr)
- Run the game
Crash to desktop if VR headset plugged in after 30 minutes
Game crashes at random without providing any information.
Game crashes seemingly at random and does NOT provide an error code. It crashes straight to desktop like if I closed the game normally. It has done so whilst being on the pause menu at the start of my first game, and a bit later during normal gameplay.
We were able to find this SPECIFIC bug is caused by superfluous UE VR runtimes that exist in the shipping version of the game. The bug can be averted by unplugging any HMD device from the PC or manually removing the VR runtimes from the game directory. Delete this folder:
Steamapps\common\Manor Lords\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\OpenXR
Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000b68
Turn FSR/DLSS off in the graphics settings, if you can get to the main menu.
If not, you might be able to access that here:
- ManorLords\Saved\Config\WinGDK\Settings.ini (Make a backup first)

Buildings no longer being constructed
I’ve had an issue in my game where buildings would no longer be constructed (medium town with 200+ citizens). Timber had been placed at the lot, but no villagers would come build (despite 7+ being available).
I believe the issue was caused by the following:
I had a building destroyed by a fire which I could not rebuild because I was missing stone. This building may have been set to highest priority when first built. Because of this, I think my villagers were endlessly trying to repair this building instead of moving on to buildings they could construct. Once I set the other buildings’ priority to “highest”, I managed to fix the problem.
Villagers not moving into homes after fire/raid
Recently one of my villages was raided. I was unable to defend it thus resulting in the burning of the villagers homes. After the fires, I clicked the rebuild button that appears when you click on the rubble. The villagers refused to move back in, and even though the houses were reconstructed, they still remained homeless. Thus any potential growth was destroyed. I lost hope in the village, and began dismantling it. But what I noticed was that the deconstruction message didn’t say that I tore down a house, but a pile of rubble. So, I began rebuilding the villagers homes from scratch, and they moved back in just fine. I think the game is identifying the rebuilt houses as rubble, and therefore, not allowing them to move back in. Hopefully this helps fix the issue.
Steps to solving the problem:
- Have some sort of fire happen in a villagers house, then wait for the house to burn down.
- Click on the pile of rubble, and select the rebuild button in the menu.
- Notice how your approval drops through the floor. This is because the villagers aren’t moving back into their homes.
- Delete the constructed building and read the message, it’ll say something like house_rubble deconstructed.
- Build a new Burgage Plot from the ground up, they should start to move back in.
Mercenary recruitment bug
If you only have one mercenary company available, despite numerous alerts for new mercenary companies, we have a separate guide.
People won’t collect apple from the house
They will only take from the house pantry when it is full (its a bug rn). Workaround this is to keep the houses that you want to have apples or veggies at level 1 and don’t add the additional family slot. This will keep the pantry storage at 25 which will let the produce leave the house much much faster. I am cranking out hundreds of produce with 5-6 houses and the market can’t keep up with the supply.